lesson 29
New words and expressions
☆taxi n.出租汽車
taxi driver 出租司機
take a taxi / take a bus / take a lift
☆land vi.著陸
Whose plane landed in the field.
☆plough v.耕地
farm 農田
☆lonely adj.偏僻的,人跡罕見的
lonely (人) 孤獨的/ cold fish
She felt lonely.(感覺)(主觀)
She is alone.(事實)(客觀)
Home alone 獨自在家
☆roof n.樓頂
ceiling 天花板
raise the roof v.喧嘩,大聲抱怨
hit the ceilling (美口)勃然大怒,暴跳如雷
☆block n.一座大樓;塊
a block of flats 公寓樓
office block 辦公樓
☆flat n.公寓房
apartment 公寓(美)
a block of apartments 公寓樓
☆desert v.廢棄 n.沙漠(重音遷移)
desert the house=let the room empty
☆captain 船長/機長
call sb sth.
The instument was called a clavichord.
be called 被稱為
The "taxi" is a small Swiss aeroplane called a "Pilatus Porter"
called 在此句中為過去分詞
I have a cat called Lucy.
-ing; -ed 是非謂語動詞
a ploughed field 被耕過的田
a deserted car park 被廢棄的車場
written English 書面語
spoken English 口語
a race across the Atlantic(介詞短語)
★The most surprising thing is that...最讓我驚訝的
To my surprise,....
surprising 可以由其他詞替換
The most exciting thing is that...
The happiest thing is that I can stay with my mother.
☆the 不能和所有格及形容詞物主代詞并存。
☆from ...to... 從...到...
☆since then / so far / up to now
since then 強調起點
so for / up to now 強調終點
from then 從...起
since then 從...起(到現在為止)
by then /by that time 到...為止
☆fly sb to..開飛機送某人去
My friend drove me to Tianjing.
drive sb to...開車送某人去
☆once 一次
on another occasion 還有一次
once i met him on the street and on another occasion I met him in the library.
★once...and on another occasion
☆request from 來自某人的請求
request for sth. 要求得到
☆take sb to school 送某人上學
☆too 在副詞或形容詞前表示否定含義
very 強調程度深
too 強調程度達到了人們不愿意去做
very expensive 買得起
too expensive 買不起
Sepcial difficulties
☆refuse / deny
refuse 拒絕
deny 否認
refuse to do sth
deny doing /+從句
☆bring / take / fetch
bring 帶來(離說話人越來越)
bring sth here
take 拿走(離說話人越來越遠)
take there
fetch 取來(去了再回來)雙向動詞
☆sow / seed
sow 種下去
seed 把種子種下去

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